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VPX Sports Nutrition Meltdown Review

muscle fitness supplements

VPX Sports Meltdown

The development of MELTDOWN®, a super potent rapid fat loss/muscle preservation formula, is based on studies published in prestigious journals, such as the The New England Journal of Medicine, The Journal of Obesity, etc… over one hundred in number that show the effectiveness of combining Ephedrine Hydrochloride with Caffeine to dramatically reduce body fat.

Because Ephedrine has recently been banned in Florida and other states, and because of the illegality existing in combining two drugs (Caffeine and Ephedrine) in the same product, VPX has combined the herbal eqivalents of these drugs — MaHuang and Guarana Extract in amounts comparable in effectiveness. More recent studies show that combining Willow Bark and Naringin with MaHuang and Guarana Extract turns an already potent body fat burning combination into a super charged fat burner. White Willow and Naringin block particular prostaglandins that disallow the breakdown of MaHuang (ephedrine) and Guarana (caffeine), consequently, increasing the duration of the body fat burning effect of caffeine and ephedrine.

Further augmenting MELTDOWN® with other synergistic ingredients has made it the most potent thermogenic product by far for body fat reduction. Our research has revealed a unique ingredient called Naringin that also works synergistically with MaHuang and Guarana. Naringin enables MaHuang (Ephedrine) & Guarana (Caffeine) to exert a thermogenic effect for eight (8) hours by rendering the body helpless to metabolize these substances. It does not take a genius to figure out that three staggered doses daily would keep the body in a continuos thermogenic state — 24 hours! The "Steroid Guru", Dan Duchaine, who is definitely the foremost authority on bodybuilding pharmacology, refers to the stack: MaHuang (Ephedrine), Guarana (Caffeine), White Willow (Aspirin) and Naringin (concentrated grapefruit extract) as a "THERMOGENIC ORGY"! It is 100% ILLEGAL in all 50 states to combine all of the aforementioned drugs in the same product. However, VPX has combined all of these standardized herbs in the extract potencies of real drugs.

We’ve also added Chromium Polynicotinate (300% more bioavailable than chromium picolinate), and Citrus Aurantium, a special and newly isolated compound that is standardized for Synephrine. Synephrine, like Ephedrine and Clenbuterol, is an andrenergic agonist. Andrenergic agonists are amazing due to their capabilities to preserve muscle while cranking up your body’s fat burning furnace. Synephrine has even further therapeutic value in that it burns fat through thermogenisis without increasing one’s heart rate like its relatives, Ephedrine and Clenbuterol. Consequently, Synephrine has given VPX the missing puzzle piece that we’ve been searching for — a vastly more potent synergistic ingredient that does not jeopardize a person’s health. Preliminary testing of the aforementioned "stack" has proved in clinical situations to aid in preservation of lean muscle tissue, while rapidly depleting body fat. Thus VPX, "The Frontrunner in Sports Nutrition" has developed the first and only fat burning formula to contain the herbal equivalents to Ephedrine and Synephrine, again pushing the synergistic envelope of technology and nutrition pharmacology.

2 capsules contain:

ProprietaryThermo/Beta Blend:
MaHaung Extract (Standardized at 8%) ...................................... 312mg.
Citrus Aurantium Extract (Standardized for 10% Synephrine) .. 200mg.
L-Tyrosine ..................................................................................... 175mg.
Guarana ( Standardize for 22% Caffeine) .................................... 910mg.
White Willow Bark Extract ........................................................... 110mg.
Bioperine ........................................................................................ 5mg.
Chromium Polynicotate ................................................................ 200mcg.
Yohimbe Extract (Standardized at 8%)

Recommend use as a dietary supplement: Take 2 caps. before morning cardiovascular and/ or resistance exercise. Take 2 additional caps. prior to afternoon meal. Begin use with 1 cap. several times daily to assess your tolerance. Never exceed 6 caps. daily or more than 2 caps. in a single dosage. For best results, use as part of a moderate to low carbohydrate - high protein diet and exercise program. Sleeplessness may occur if taken too close to bedtime.

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